Richard Oluwo

Blog for developer hippies.

Why You Should Keep In Touch With Your Mentors

March 01, 2019 ☕️ • 2 min read

It's pretty difficult to preserve personal relationships these days, everyone is always busy, people get caught up in work, school and a bunch of other flimsy excuses. But as you grow, it's these personal relationships that count the most or so I've been told, I'm not there yet either.

In every field, there are different people you come across that eventually turn out helping you, some hold your hands and walk you through much deeper learning like a baby, some give you tough love(the figure it out yourself guys), some just teach by doing. We all tend to look up to these kind of people, because they have in some way made us better than our previous selves. What you should know is that keeping in touch with these people is hugely beneficial, it might be quite difficult because these are the kind of people you wouldn't want to be disturbing all the time or that you can't even disturb all the time. But some level of consistency with your relationship with them should be maintained.

At times, you might still require help or just someone to talk to that understands. Eventually, with the help of mentors we learn to find our way or rythm with whatever we're doing, they make us feel accountable. Almost like the lab rat that keeps running on the treadmill to generate power but in a good way 😁, that mouse has developed itself in running without knowing it. In a way you feel that whatever you have learnt is no where compared to what whoever you look up to knows especially when its someone that constantly proves himself and similar to that lab rat, whenever it goes out in the field with other rats it will realize for some reason it is faster that it's other rat friends lol.
Sidenote: I have come to realize the lab rat may not have been the best of examples to use.

From my favorite movie Billions, "You know what they call that spot up on Everest? The Death Zone. Some people, they make it up, and then they make it back home. But there are countless more, f$#king dead, encased in ice for all time. That’s where you are now. And very few people can even survive on the available oxygen up here. Even fewer can perform."

...To be updated(I'm a lazy blogger).

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